When I asked Rob what to write for today's update, I got a really, really long answer: "Tell them I'm o.k." So, there ya have it:) Seriously, today isn't one of his best days. Like any major surgery, this one is taking a good bit of time to recover from. For someone as active as Rob, this is a big adjustment, but he's doing remarkably well.
I had the day off, and we went to physical therapy, lunch, and to get Rob's haircut. Rob went to physical therapy today, because he has some weakness in his right arm/shoulder. Dr. Jackson had told us that this was possible/probable, and nothing to be alarmed about. We planned to stay at the salon for pedicures (yes, Rob gets pedicures occasionally),
but after waiting for about 30 minutes, Rob was done. So, we came home and both took a long nap instead!!! His feet aren't "sanded" (his term for the pedicure stuff) and my toenails don't have a fresh coat of Koala Beary, but we're rested.
We are hoping to go to Atlanta for a day or two this weekend, to celebrate Rob's birthday. We'll see how the rest of the week goes.
Well, I'll let you go now.............